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Why You're Building the Cloud the Wrong Way - Avoid the pitfalls

Written by Arthur Marinis | Mar 29, 2021 8:16:00 AM

It's sad but true: in today's world of cloud architecture, many are putting the IT cart before the horse: their business.

In other words, companies are getting caught up in getting the latest and greatest cloud technology but are forgetting why they need this technology in the first place: to accomplish their business objectives.

Many people are starting the discussion about cloud architecture based on technology or platform, not function.

Planning for Cloud Architecture

So if you don't focus on technology first, then what's your initial step? Creating your business vision. This part of cloud planning ties your architecture back to the fundamentals of your business. It explains how your cloud platform or tools should be used to help the company perform its main revenue-generating activity.

From there, you'll need to create a strategy. A good strategy consists of a clear path to get to the vision. For example, if your vision is to increase the traffic on your website threefold in the next 6 months, your strategy would be the marketing tools and techniques that you use to gain that traffic.

At the very end of this process comes the matter of deciding on the enabling technologies. This is where you determine what tools your organisation will use to get established on the cloud. Ideally, you should identify multiple options and then compare them closely to decide which one is right for your particular requirements.

There will always be "technology first" people out there: industry insiders, those in the media, and others who obsess over the latest and greatest cloud technology. The problem with beginning your cloud planning by choosing the tools you use, especially in large companies, is that it will lead to circular discussions about what needs to be done and which technology is best to accomplish your goals with.

A better approach to planning cloud architecture is considering your business requirements first. When all is said and done, a strong focus on your organisational objectives will minimise work and keep your IT department in everyone's good graces.