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    Maximizing Cloud Efficiency: Strategic Cost Control

    Arthur Marinis | 2 Minute Read

    With the latest advancements in cloud technology and base2's tools, businesses can significantly reduce expenses by intelligently managing how and when environments are utilized

    Leveraging AWS CloudFormation GitSync for Streamlined Deployments

    Aaron Walker | 3 Minute Read

    Harness AWS CloudFormation GitSync for efficient AWS resource deployments, simplifying workflows and automating updates directly from Git repositories.

    Achieving SOC 2 Compliance with DevOps Pipelines

    Arthur Marinis | 5 Minute Read

    Achieving and maintaining SOC 2 compliance is crucial for SaaS organizations. Learn how to easily build-in continuous compliance through DevOps pipelines.

    How outsourcing could be the difference for your SaaS company

    Arthur Marinis | 4 Minute Read

    Partnering with the right company can be the key to success for SaaS companies, providing faster delivery and supporting growth. If you are considering whether to outsource, here are some reasons why you should.

    Make your pipeline match your needs - The hard questions to ask before automating your development pipeline

    Jared Brook | 4 Minute Read

    Want to automate your pipeline? We cover the important questions you should ask to determine what level and types of automation make sense for your business.

    The case for CI/CD - Why every company needs an automated pipeline to production

    Arthur Marinis | 3 Minute Read

    Discover the importance of implementing CI/CD in your software development process. Learn how continuous integration, delivery, and deployment can increase efficiency, reduce risk, and improve the overall quality of your code.

    How to Start and Stop instances on AWS automatically

    Nikola Tosic | 4 Minute Read

    Cut costs and optimize your infrastructure on AWS by automating the start and stop of instances. Learn how to save money with cloud providers and automate operations with the cfn_manage tool. | How-to tech post | Code sample

    Automate the build of serverless to AWS Lambda with Docker and Jenkins

    Arthur Marinis | 2 Minute Read

    Quicker with serverless. How to automate the deployment of serverless projects in Jenkins using Docker containers | How-to tech post | Code sample

    5 Ways to Get More Out of Cloud Computing

    Arthur Marinis | 3 Minute Read

    Learn how to get the most out of cloud computing with these 5 essential strategies. From becoming agile to leveraging automation and scalability, discover the key steps to optimize your cloud capabilities.

    How Automation Delivers Cost Savings for Your Organisation in More Ways Than One

    Arthur Marinis | 3 Minute Read

    Struggling to monitor your cloud costs? Discover how automation can simplify processes, save time, and reduce errors for your organization.

    Containers, Continuous Operations and Getting to Zero Downtime

    Arthur Marinis | 3 Minute Read

    Discover the benefits of container technology for continuous operations. Learn how DevOps and automation offer real value in achieving zero downtime.