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    AWS / Tech

    Using Cfhighlander to create reusable and modular AWS CloudFormation templates

    Angus Vine | 2 Minute Read

    Learn how to create reusable CloudFormation templates for managing AWS resources in a modular way. This developer workshop covers creating a VPC, deploying bastion and ECS components, and more. | How-to tech post | Code sample

    PCI DSS Compliance on AWS - Get 71 requirements covered out-of-the-box

    Jared Brook | 12 Minute Read

    How to quickly achieve and maintain PCI compliance on AWS. Find out the steps to get started and which 71/296 PCI requirements are covered out-of-the-box, saving time and headaches.

    How base2Services Slashes the Compliance Burden for standards like PCI, HIPAA and SOX

    Aaron Walker | 2 Minute Read

    Audits for PCI, HIPAA, or SOX compliance can be a lengthy, manual process. Find out how base2Services can help you automate and standardize much of the compliance auditing and reporting process.

    How to Start and Stop instances on AWS automatically

    Nikola Tosic | 4 Minute Read

    Cut costs and optimize your infrastructure on AWS by automating the start and stop of instances. Learn how to save money with cloud providers and automate operations with the cfn_manage tool. | How-to tech post | Code sample

    Running Docker containers from the CLI backed by AWS

    Christophe Delcourt | 4 Minute Read

    Learn how to run Docker containers in AWS and work with them as if they were running locally. Discover the pros and cons of this approach and get started with step-by-step instructions. | How-to tech post | Code sample

    Automate the build of serverless to AWS Lambda with Docker and Jenkins

    Arthur Marinis | 2 Minute Read

    Quicker with serverless. How to automate the deployment of serverless projects in Jenkins using Docker containers | How-to tech post | Code sample

    How Automation Delivers Cost Savings for Your Organisation in More Ways Than One

    Arthur Marinis | 3 Minute Read

    Struggling to monitor your cloud costs? Discover how automation can simplify processes, save time, and reduce errors for your organization.