Arthur Marinis

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    What DevOps & Continuous Delivery can do for your business

    Arthur Marinis | 2 Minute Read

    Discover the power of DevOps and Continuous Delivery for your business. Learn how these methodologies drive collaboration, automation, and innovation to stay ahead in the digital era.

    5 Ways to Get More Out of Cloud Computing

    Arthur Marinis | 3 Minute Read

    Learn how to get the most out of cloud computing with these 5 essential strategies. From becoming agile to leveraging automation and scalability, discover the key steps to optimize your cloud capabilities.

    High Employee Turnover in DevOps teams - How to Insure Your Projects and Keep Things on Track

    Arthur Marinis | 2 Minute Read

    Avoid the negative impact of high employee turnover in DevOps teams. Discover the benefits of outsourcing your cloud team and how it can provide continuity, stability, and insurance for your business.

    How Automation Delivers Cost Savings for Your Organisation in More Ways Than One

    Arthur Marinis | 3 Minute Read

    Struggling to monitor your cloud costs? Discover how automation can simplify processes, save time, and reduce errors for your organization.

    Containers, Continuous Operations and Getting to Zero Downtime

    Arthur Marinis | 3 Minute Read

    Discover the benefits of container technology for continuous operations. Learn how DevOps and automation offer real value in achieving zero downtime.

    Why You're Building the Cloud the Wrong Way

    Arthur Marinis | 1 Minute Read

    In the world of cloud architecture, many businesses are prioritizing technology over their own objectives. Learn how focusing on your business vision first is crucial for successful cloud migration.

    An old integration problem is new again

    Arthur Marinis | 2 Minute Read

    Discover the challenges of integrating cloud-based solutions with your other business solutions. Learn how to avoid the pitfalls of spider web integrations and the importance of having a strategic integration strategy.

    Is your IT disaster ready?

    Arthur Marinis | 2 Minute Read

    Protecting your organisation from unplanned downtime is extremely important. Learn how to plan your IT to be disaster ready and ensure business continuity with cloud-based solutions.